Rannik Group hosted a welcome cocktail for FCCA platinum members.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. – Rannik Group, specialists in maritime trade and logistics operations, hosted a welcome cocktail for Platinum Members and Cruise Executives of the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) who will participate in the 28th annual cruise conference held by this association.

This year, through the Ministry of Tourism, the Fair is hosted in the Dominican Republic. It is the only official cruise conference that represents the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central and South America, taking place in the Dominican capital, Santo Domingo, from October 11 to 14, 2022 at the Jaragua Hotel.

At this cocktail, Mr. Jeffrey Rannik, CEO of Rannik Group, participated with words of welcome for the members and other personalities, inviting them to enjoy the conference, thanking them for the trust placed in the country and highlighting the collaboration of the government to promote the Dominican Republic as a destination every day, emphasizing that the country is at its best.

For his part, Mr. Carlos Peguero, Vice Minister of Tourism for International Cooperation, highlighted the importance of these international business fairs, highlighting that the country will be able to show its potential. This will be a crucial time and place for the industry to meet to continue the recovery of cruise tourism, and it is a testament to the country’s commitment.

On his side, Adam Ceserano, President of the FCCA, in his welcome words at this cocktail, highlighted the consolidation gained by the Dominican Republic as a cruise destination with its excellent port facilities, its stellar destination attributes, and its tourism vision.

In addition to executives from Rannik Group, members of the FCCA and the Ministry of Tourism, the General Customs Directorate, the Dominican Port Authority, Immigration, the Dominican Navy, and executives from the Romana Port, Sans Souci, Amber Cove, Taíno Bay tourist ports were also present, among others.

Rannik Group

It is a family-owned company founded in 1919. It is the first company in maritime trade in the country, becoming the most diversified business group in the logistics services branch.

It has participated as a promoter and investor in important maritime infrastructure projects such as the development of the Multimodal Caucedo Port, Haina International Terminals, and the Amber Cove Tourist Terminal in Puerto Plata.

About the FCCA

It is a non-profit trade association composed of 22 affiliated cruise companies, which operate more than 100 ships in the state of Florida, the Caribbean, and Latin America, while also having Platinum Members composed of government authorities, ports, tour operators, and other services.

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